lifestyle magazine online london
Gisela Thibault feels better about herself and how she presents to the world after undergoing CO2 laser treatment with Dr. Corey Moore. RIGHT Before the treatment she felt depressed looking in the mirror and wanted a change.

Technology Can Reveal New Beauty

lifestyle magazine online london

Change your mind or change your situation is a popular school of thought. In May of 2019, Gisela Thibault decided that she wanted to change her situation. “I was depressed looking in the mirror in the mornings, I could see the wrinkles and discolouration.”

She decided to take action and visited Dr. Corey Moore at the Woodfield Surgical Centre to see what her options might be. The one that appealed to her the most was CO2 laser resurfacing. Dr. Moore describes it as “one of a group of ablative resurfacing techniques.” These techniques include chemical peels, mechanical means (dermabrasion) and laser resurfacing of various types.

For example, dermabrasion affects the top layers of skin and so works well for ridding oneself of freckles. Lasers go deeper and are more useful for getting rid of wrinkles and scarring, according to Dr. Moore.

Patient information describes the process: The laser generates high energy in a very precise spot that literally vaporizes the skin. Dr. Moore adds, “The laser causes injury to the skin and the body produces new skin to replace it.” The new surface skin produced is wrinkle free. This technique is also effective for those wanting to be rid of acne scars.

This is not new technology. Dr. Moore has been using it during the 18 years that he has been in practice. He favours the CO2 laser because “we can set the depth; it’s more exact.”

One of the qualifications for this treatment is that the patient must be able to take at least two weeks away from work or other life activities during the healing process. Also, sun exposure must be avoided during that time as well. Thibault is thrilled with the results.

Before the treatment, she applied fullface makeup before venturing away from home but now “I find that it’s easier for me to go out with little or no makeup. I don’t get down when I look in the mirror. I just feel better.”

That’s a huge boon for this widow who wanted to do something special for herself. While she acknowledges it is an expensive treatment, she says the boost to her emotional health is well worth the money spent.

The process is straightforward: schedule an assessment visit to discuss the procedure and/or other procedures; pre-surgery preparation includes bloodtests and an electrocardiogram to ensure that undergoing anesthetic is advisable, which the patient receives during the procedure.

Dr. Moore performs CO2 laser treatments in a surgical suite at his clinic. After the one-hour procedure the patient is in the recovery room until fully awake and able to travel home. A driver must accompany him/her home and stay the night to ensure all is well.

Thibault says she went back to the clinic the next day to be checked. She used a heavy coating of Vaseline on her skin to keep it moist. Bedding, pillows and clothing may become greasy, so furniture is covered as much as possible. The head should be slightly elevated during sleep, so she used two pillows. One pillow on each side of the body is also recommended so as not to roll during sleep and cause pain or marks on the new skin.

Only sterile water with one tablespoon of vinegar is used to wash the face, using pieces of gauze, twice daily. Water, soap and shampoo must all be kept away from the face during showers.

Thibault reports that though it was not painful, her skin did feel hot. A coating of Vaseline must be applied to the face constantly and keeping it in the refrigerator helped. The skin is red, numb, swollen and oozes a straw-coloured liquid during the healing process.

Applying makeup to cover the redness, Thibault went out to do volunteer work after 12 days, adding her skin was fully healed after three months. Some take up to six months to fully heal. She’s still very careful in the sun, wearing large floppy hats and sunscreen.

Thibault feels a renewed sense of confidence and highly recommends having C02 laser resurfacing to those who want to rid themselves of facial wrinkles or scars. “It’s definitely better than I expected.”

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